На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)


Summer can be one of the toughest times to be single.  There’s nothing worse than looking at Instagram or Facebook and seeing your married/couple friends off on vacation in the South of France or spending the weekend at a BBQ in the Hamptons while you stare longingly at your dog in your cramped

32 Uncomfortable Truths About Relationships That Single People Will Appreciate

Ahh, Valentine’s Day… A “holiday” that strikes fear in the hearts of the newly coupled, worried that their gift-giving and grand romantic gestures might not live up to the great expectations foisted upon us from Hallmark and countless RomComs. It’s also a day for singles to celebrate themselves,

No Longer Sweating “Single”

“I’m going to die alone!” is the sarcastic, yet slightly serious cry of many of my single girlfriends. What if you were? Now what? Ironically, my epiphany was born on a treadmill. Rihanna’s “Rockstar 101” had quickly become both a mantra and favorite workout track. Exercising had become necessary

50+ Hilarious Tweets By Single People That Will Make You Laugh Then Cry

Valentine’s Day is nearly here! For many of us this means joy and romance, but for others it is simply a reminder of how lonely and undesirable they are. And of course there are plenty of people who think that the whole thing is a fake, materialistic day for gullible people who can’t think for

Do You Know the Signs Of Real Love? Here’s What It Takes to Start Building Meaningful Relationships In Life

Image by: kaboompics By Alvin Martin When I was younger, I was easily attracted to women who liked to play hard to get. Back then, I didn’t know why I seemed to get turned on with someone who ignored me, treated me bad and made me feel like I was nothing – you, know girls […]

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